Living with a Child-Like Passion

One of the greatest struggles of my life is figuring out how to motivate myself to exercise. I don’t. I am in my late thirties and I have gained 75 pounds from when I was a fit 18 year old just graduating from high school. Back then, I played all the time. It came easyContinue reading “Living with a Child-Like Passion”

Should You Believe in Yourself?

Belief is a powerful thing. What we believe about any one thing will directly affect how we interact with that thing. If I believe the floor is sturdy, I will stand on it without questioning or even thinking of its integrity. If I believe something is dangerous, even if it’s not, I will be moreContinue reading “Should You Believe in Yourself?”

Have You Ever Stopped to Notice?

Aren’t wheel barrows glorious? My favorite poem is about a wheel barrow.. sort of. If the length of a poem was any indicator of how intellectual you are, then I suppose I am not very intellectual. The Red Wheel Barrow is only 16 words long. It’s my favorite poem because it is a reminder toContinue reading “Have You Ever Stopped to Notice?”

Small Stones Make Long-Lasting Ripples: How A Small Part of Your Day Is Either Helping or Hurting You.

Have you ever thrown stones in a lake? For some reason it seems to be one of the greatest joys of boyhood. One of the many things I love doing with my boys is going hiking at local parks. Inevitably, when we come to the edge of a lake, pond, or river, they begin passionatelyContinue reading “Small Stones Make Long-Lasting Ripples: How A Small Part of Your Day Is Either Helping or Hurting You.”

Your Phone’s Alarm Clock Doesn’t Work.

In a previous post here, I discussed the importance of having restraint when using social media. Social media can become harmfully, excessively intrusive in our daily lives. If you read that post, you know that I have deleted my fb page. However, as a Realtor and a writer, I have to maintain some connectedness onContinue reading “Your Phone’s Alarm Clock Doesn’t Work.”

Break Free from Our Self-Adorned Chains

As I have grown older (Not a young buck anymore), I’ve increasingly realized how much I’ve placed false limitations on myself due to my own self-perception. Too often I have enslaved myself to the subtle whisper in my head of the words “I can’t…”. There is so much I have not done in my lifeContinue reading “Break Free from Our Self-Adorned Chains”

Disconnecting is The First Step to Living with Inspired Resolve

The first step I am taking in my resolve to live an inspired life is to do a little disconnecting. But it is not without good reason. Before I go any further, let me explain what I mean by “disconnecting”. While I would love to be able to completely and totally disconnect (get rid ofContinue reading “Disconnecting is The First Step to Living with Inspired Resolve”